robert x

1981 - 1995

Created by maryann 15 years ago
robert was born with a hole in his heart . he went threw operations most of his life including open heart surgery when he was 10 years of age .robert passed away when he went in to yorkhill hospital for a pace maker to be fitted in .they done the operation and robert was fine intill the next morning the surgeon came backand said they need 2 take robert back theatre asap .robert was scare to go back in to theatre but had to go any way .wel robert never woke back up from the theatre .they then stole roberts organs out of him.the organs gt sent back to my mum years later in A white mum had to bury his organs and that ment opening roberts grave back up to lay his organs beside him .his brain has never been recoverd to this day.they did say if it ever turned up they would gt in contact with the family . robert we love you so much and wish you were hear with us x